Farley's Fund operates purely on donations, so if you like to be a part of our cause, donating is the perfect way. Not only will you be helping an animal or family in need, but you become part of our Farley Family.

Donations can be made in honor of a loved pet, in memory of a pet or family member, or even in honor of a special event. If donations are made in honor of a pet or person, we will send a card to that family to let them know-the amount will not be disclosed unless we are directed to do so.

Furthermore, if the donation is in memory of a beloved pet, please let us know the name so we can add them to our memorial page. You are also encouraged to email us your pictures too.

From the pets and families helped by Farley's Fund, any and all donations small or large are greatly appreciated. We also invite you to stay updated on the activities of Farley's Fund through our Facebook page, Instagram account, Twitter account and of course by checking our website where good things are always happening!!

Make a Difference
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Make a secure donation online using PayPal


Checks or Money Orders
can be mailed to:

Farley's Fund
PO Box 234
Pacific, MO 63069

Farley'''s Fund
Farley'''s Fund
Farley'''s Fund
Farley'''s Fund